Sunday, June 22, 2008


Yesterday during my first technique class, I had some time to talk with my teacher, Mr. Hatcher. He knows I have made huge strides to lose weight and get in shape, and he asked if I have ever tryed weight training. Of course, my answer was no. It is definitely something I have thought about, but never taken the steps to look into it and what types of excersizes it involves. I have a ton of leg strength, but no core or upper body strength. I know strength training will definitely help in my BJJ training. I have scoliosis, and degenerative disc disease (bulging discs) in both my neck and lower back. Even though the weight loss has almost eliminated the pain it was causing me, strength training will only improve my mobility and ease when sparring with an opponent. Mr. Hatcher is a large man, somewhere between 215-225 lbs., but is able to move like a spider monkey! Blows my mind how agile and flexible he is! I am looking forward to the adventure this is going to take me on, and give me that little extra that I need to proceed!

Any suggestions on a beginner would be very appreciated!


Adam said...

There are tons of resources out there for weight training. The biggest issue is separating out the good from the BS.

I have some stuff on my blog, and I'd wholeheartedly recommend you check out Stuart McRobert

His stuff will give you the best base for weight training.

This is a good site for you to check out too:



BJJ Girl said...

Hello Adam,

Thank you so much for the links! This is all VERY new to me! I just jumped right in! BJJ is something I never thought I would do and I want to excel at it! I look forward to the long road ahead of me and I appreciate the step in the right direction you have provided me! I look forward to hearing from you again!
